Skip to Videos 2024 | 2023 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2016, Why do we jail people for being poor? | Salil Dudani | TEDxStanford 2016, Teaching: To Forgive and Forsake| Jose Rosario | TEDxStanford 2016, "Seasons of Love" | Ram's Head Theatrical Society | TEDxStanford 2016, Becoming "Fearless" | Jeff Sheng | TEDxStanford 2016, Is it possible to build a smart helmet and prevent concussions? | David Camarillo | TEDxStanford 2016, The sugar coating on your cells is trying to tell you something | Carolyn Bertozzi | TEDxStanford 2016, High-purpose computing for natural disaster reduction | Jenny Suckale | TEDxStanford 2016, A solo comedic performance with teeth | Thao Nguyen | TEDxStanford 2016, Confessions of a D Girl: Colorism and Global Standards of Beauty | Chika Okoro | TEDxStanford 2016, Reviving the American Dream: Lessons from Big Data | Raj Chetty | TEDxStanford 2016, How you can be good at math, and other surprising facts about learning | Jo Boaler | TEDxStanford 2016, "Cultural homelessness" breeds extremists | Sarah Lyons-Padilla | TEDxStanford 2016, New imaging lights the way for brain surgeons | Adam de la Zerda | TEDxStanford 2016, On being young black men changing the world | Brandon Hill & John-Lancaster Finley | TEDxStanford 2016, A life making ice cream & defying the status quo | Robyn Sue Fisher | TEDxStanford 2016, Negotiation expert: Lessons from my horse | Margaret Neale | TEDxStanford 2016, Most important 21st century innovation | Arun Majumdar | TEDxStanford 2016, Violist | Deanna Badizadegan | TEDxStanford 2016, "5 Lines [tw: Sexual Assault]" | Eli Arbor | TEDxStanford 2016, The Poetry of Intimacy | A-lan Holt | TEDxStanford 2016, Dance as the Antidote to Technology | LEVYdance | TEDxStanford 2016, Finding Medicine Where You Least Expect It | Christina Smolke | TEDxStanford