Skip to Videos 2024 | 2023 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2015, The Importance of Being Alice | Alice Miller | TEDxStanford 2015, Our Freshwater Future | Rosemary Knight | TEDxStanford 2015, The Winding Path to Parenthood | J.D. Schramm | TEDxStanford 2015, The End of Social Science as We Know it | Brian Epstein | TEDxStanford 2015, Making an Old Brain Young | Carla Shatz | TEDxStanford 2015, When God Talks Back | Tanya Luhrmann | TEDxStanford 2015, Twisted Cabaret | Frank Olivier | TEDxStanford 2015, Cyberwar | Amy Zegart | TEDxStanford 2015, Testing, Testing | Linda Darling-Hammond | TEDxStanford 2015, How Carbon Dioxide Could Shape the Future | Etosha Cave | TEDxStanford 2015, The Great Lie that Tells the Truth | Abraham Verghese | TEDxStanford 2015, Drones of a Feather | David Lentink | TEDxStanford 2015, Your Brain, the Environment and Our Decisions | Nik Sawe | TEDxStanford 2015, It's On Us | Tanvi Jayaraman | TEDxStanford 2015, Rewiring Racism | Alli McKee | TEDxStanford 2015, Supporting Families 160 Characters at a Time | Ben York | TEDxStanford 2015, Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone | Yubing Zhang | TEDxStanford 2015, The Humor of Hadyn | St. Lawrence String Quartet | TEDxStanford 2015, Facts About Myself | Tucker Bryant | TEDxStanford 2015, The New Civil Rights Movement | Richard Thompson Ford | TEDxStanford 2015, Telling Stories | Jonah Willihnganz | TEDxStanford 2015, You Can't Stop the Beat | Ram's Head Theatrical Society performs 'Hairspray' | TEDxStanford 2015, NEVABAWARLDAPECE | Robert Moses' Kin | TEDxStanford 2015, Blue Roses | Rachael Sage | TEDxStanford 2015, Music from the Taro Patch | Stephen M. Sano | TEDxStanford